71 Days

What I did during my summer vacation…

Archive for the day “August 4, 2019”

Highlights Writing Conference 2019


Highlights Writing Conference!

Day 57 of Summer Vacation (10 days left in summer)

I have done precious little writing this summer. Adjusting to being more involved in the business, doing some extra work in the summer for the school district and attending professional development has put my writing on the back burner.

But this week, I’m going  to be cooking (back burner/cooking/metaphor much?)! I am so excited to be at the Highlights Foundations’ Ins and Outs of a Picture Book workshop in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. The photos above are me (happy face) in my cabin which overlooks a wild grassy butterfly garden and word rock garden (LOVE). It is like I took a little relaxation/creativity pill and I am selfishly going to read, write and eat the delicious meals the staff here prepares for us. I already had lunch and it was great and I didn’t load the dishwasher or tip anyone!! Yippee.

I do have to say that I couldn’t do any of this stuff without Jeff’s constant encouragement. He has always said, “go for it,” when I’ve dragged my feet on anything that is just for me — and I am so grateful.

Our official start is today at 5:30 (appetizers) followed by 6:00 pm dinner and our welcome. But I’ve already met a lovely lady, Ellen Javernick on the shuttle from the airport. She wrote this book I have in my library and she let me borrow her iphone charger because mine died. I feel like I’m hanging out with the Beatles (and borrowing their stuff) and I am trying to be cool. I am excellent at being cool.


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